Facts and opinions to help you make the best choice for your nap mat purchase.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

What is a nap mat and where do I buy one?

A nap mat is the most common word used to describe a sleeping surface for children used at nap time.  Nap mats are sometimes called bed rolls, nap pads, sleep mats, all-in-one mats and toddler mats.  A nap mat does not zip closed like a sleeping bag but is usually open on all or 3 sides.  It is also not a bed or cot but rather a pad that is placed directly on the floor.  Nap mats are most often used in preschools, daycare, mothers day out and kindergarten.  They can also be used for nap time at home, sleepovers, camping and sleeping anywhere a bed is not available.

There are many different brands and styles of nap mats.  The one most people are familiar with is the Kindermat. This mat is a pad covered with vinyl for easy clean up and is about 1 inch thick.  The mat will sleep most sized children from preschool to kindergarten.  Most Kindermats fold up like an accordion and are easy to store.  They are usually prices at around $23.00 and can be found online, at teacher supply stores, and at Walmart during back to school time.  You can also buy a removable cover for a Kindermat online on various websites.
Another type of nap mat is made from fabric which is filled with batting or a foam pad.  The mat is usually machine washable depending on the fabric used.  Some may or may not come with a blanket and/or a pillow.  Most can also be personalized with embroidery on the pillow case and sometimes the pad if it is not too thick.  The size and price vary on these mats and they are usually purchased online or in specialty boutiques.                                                                                                                                                   
The last type of mat is the all-in-one nap mat.   This nap mat has a blanket and pillow attached to a pad creating an all in one bed. This style of mat is usually made from fabric and some like the Mint brand have a vinyl backing.  Most are machine washable depending on the fabric. Typically,  all in one nap mats role up and secure with velcro or some sort of fastener and have a handle for easy transport.  Embroidery is usually an option on the blanket and sometimes an outside pocket.  All in one nap mats come in different sizes and many different brand names such as My Nap Pak, Wildkin, Mint, Stephen Joseph, Kozy Kids, Cavichi, and Royal Nap Mat.  The prices range is from $29 up to $200.00 with $48 being about the average.  All-In-One nap mats can be purchased online and in specialty stores and boutiques.

For more comparisons of nap mat brands and styles or to purchase an all-in-one mat please visit us at www.staymybaby.com/nap_pack.html.  Nap Mats are our specialty.   If you are local to the DFW area please visit our Frisco store location.  For more information on what to look for in a nap please check my other blog entries.

Wildkin Pink Dot All-In-One-Nap-Mat

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Things to consider when buying a nap mat. Which one should I choose!?!?

Deciding which nap mat to buy can be a little overwhelming to say the least.  Here are some key things to consider when shopping for a nap mat:
  •  Is the nap mat machine washable and durable?
  •  Is the nap mat an all-in-one mat with an attached pillow and blanket?
  •  Is the nap mat the right size?
  •  Does the nap mat have features I need and that my preschool  or daycare is looking for?
  • Will my child like it and be comfortable?
I hope to offer some insight and answers to these questions and concerns.
Durability and Washing Instructions
I am a mother of two and used nap mats for both of my children for Mother's Day Out nap time.  I am also a website owner and have sold nap mats for about 5 years. I have found that the most important feature to me and to a lot of other moms and dads is that the nap mat is machine washable and durable.  Check the material the mat is made from.  Does it feel like it will hold up?  Beware of very inexpensive mats that are thin and poorly made.  Many end up buying a second mat because the first one didn't hold up to washing and wear and tear.  How is the mat sewn?  I have found a key feature to be when the pad portion of the mat is sewn with extra horizontal seams down the length of the mat.  This holds the batting or fill in place during use and washing.
Example of My Nap Pak nap mat sewn with horizontal seams
Most preschools require you to wash your nap mat once a week and some families wash their mat daily.  You want to make sure you have a mat that will hold up and last.  You don't want to be running to the dry cleaner or washing by hand especially if your child had an accident at nap time.  A nap mat should make your life easier so I would make sure your nap mat is machine washable.

All-In-One Nap Mat
I have found that having a nap mat where the pillow, blanket and mat are all attached is the easiest option for both the childcare provider and you.  In the morning, you are ready to go with this sort of mat.  No hunting for the pillow or blanket for school.  It is all rolled up and ready to go.  This style is also easier for your childcare  provider.  Preparing for nap time is easy.  They just roll out the mat and your child is ready to nap. After nap time clean up is just as easy- just roll up the mats and they are done.  You do not  have to worry about where your child's pillow or blanket is at carpool pick-up or if someone else has been sleeping on it.  Again- the purpose of a nap mat is to make life easier on everyone.  Remove some of the stress by using an all-in-one mat.
All-in-one nap mat by My Nap Pak

Nap Mat Size
For nap mat sizes you have some different choices depending on your needs.  Is your child just making the transition from the crib to regular napping and you would like a smaller mat?  Is your child older and you would like a more generously sized mat?  Would you like to purchase just one mat and use it until your child enters kindergarten?  These are all factors to consider when you choose your nap mat.

Mint nap mats are a great choice for a first time napper and younger children

Kozy Kid is a great brand for bigger kids or if you want a larger mat to last until kindergarten

Childcare Provider Specifications
Your childcare provider will dictate what is used for nap time.  First find out if they allow nap mats or if they prefer something else.  Also do they have a specific style, size or brand of mat they prefer?  I have had a few nap mats returned because the preschool didn't use nap mats or the mat was too big to meet their requirements.  Call your  provider and find out the nap time procedure and supplies needed ahead of time to make your child's first nap time a success.

Happiness Factor
The last and probably most important thing to consider is will your child like the mat.  Let's face it, nap time is often a very difficult issue whether at home or at a child care facility. Children are often overly tired or stressed and they do not want to nap.  Having a nap mat that your child likes and is comfortable will make getting to sleep easier.  Involve your child in the nap mat choice process.  Show them pictures of nap mat patterns online or take them to a store to look at different nap mats.  If they have ownership and feel a part of the process they will feel  more in charge of their nap time.  This will make life easier on everyone.  I'd also suggest buying the nap mat early and using it home for a couple of weeks first.  Your child can nap on it, watch TV on it or even put it on their own bed to lay on.  The more they use it before school nap time the easier it will be for them to fall asleep on at school.

I hope this information helps you make an informed choice on the best nap mat for your child.  I welcome your comments and opinions on the subject so we can help others in their quest for the perfect nap mat.

For more detailed information on specific nap mats brands or to purchase a nap mat please visit our website.  We offer over 65 styles of nap mats.   www.staymybaby.com/nap_pack.html

Our son Benjamin testing out his My Nap Pak nap mat.

Our daughter Ella "borrowing" her brothers nap mat.

Ella chose the Wild Flower nap mat by My Nap Pak for her last year at MDO.